Continued. from page 1
28) I loved all the extra research you had to better explain the material. It was all very validating. The personal stories also helped with better understanding and validation. - Jessica B.
29) Instructor connected very well. It is very important to me to feel some type of personal connection with an instructor. She related to everyone in class aside from their personal views. - Fallon M.
30) Thoroughly enjoyed getting a better understanding. Looking forward to Reiki II next week. Hoping it works for me and i can leave my baggage behind :) - Megan M.
31) Enjoyed learning something that i originally had no clue would change my lifestyle. - Raevynn B.
32) Course material was very relevant to my current thoughts and questions concerning Reiki. The history of, and how to practice on myself. - Brandi A.
33) Blending a professional caring and giving style of teaching. Inspired me to want to learn more. I would recommend your program to others and hope to use all the valuable information in my own. - Charlene